Student Rules

1. Respect your parents, teachers and elders and be considerate and understanding with your fellow students

2. Maintain Punctuality and regularity at all costs

3. Take regular care of your health

4. Be Dignified and rule abiding in dress, talk and behavior

5. Face your challenge courageously

6. Always lend a helping hand whenever need arises

7. This is your school. Be proud of it and make possible effort to raise its image. Do not damage its properties.

8. Take active part in all school activities.

9. Extend your help in keeping the class room and school campus clean.

10. While moving from one class to the other, take care not to disturb other classes.

11. Take care of your belongings.

12. If you find anything belonging to the school or any other student, deposit in the office.

13. Your work and conduct should be in such a way that they bring laurels to your home &the school. That will open a bright future for you.

14. Follow the suggestions made by your teachers, parents regularly and properly.

15. Carry out the instructions of the class monitor, House captains &School perfects for the effective functioning of our school routine.

16. Finally be proud of the fact that you are an Indian and do everything possible to promote national integration and religious harmony.